
Well, medical science has proved like a boon for all population. Every time a new invention appears in the medical field. In the medical field, dentistry is a term which deals with dental health, treatment, and surgery. Nowadays in dentistry, dental implant surgery is being popular because of its functions. So, let’s talk about dental implant surgery and services come under this treatment. There are many dental implant centers opened in India where experienced and trained dentist provide their services. To get dental implant surgery you can get an appointment with dental experts as per your schedule. Moreover, have a look at what is a dental implant.

What is a dental implant?

Dental implant surgery is the treatment of missing teeth, replacement of few or all teeth with artificial teeth. During this procedure, the patients get a replacement of damaged or missed teeth via metal, screws like the post and artificial teeth those works the same as a real tooth. Actually, dental implant surgery is an alternative to dental bridge and dentures. Most of the time dentures and bridges do not fit in patients and leads complications but there is not like that in dental implant surgery. The performance of dental implant depends on its types of treatment. There are mainly two types of dental implant surgery consider by a dentist.

  • Endosteal: This dental implant made up of titanium that placed inside jawbone. It has a screw-like structure that placed and fit under the jawbone.
  • Subperiosteal: This type of implant placed inside the gum but not below the jawbone. Actually, those patients who have poor jawbone need this kind of dental implant.

For dental implant surgery dentists also take 3D imagining and dental implant planning. The software used for the dental implant 3D imagination has made this surgery too easy and less complicated. Many dentists in Ajmer follow this digital dental implant surgery, by which patients will get the best results.

Why dental implant required?

There is some certain reason because of that dental implant required these reasons are given below.

  • If patient loss or miss one or more than one teeth.
  • When denture or bridge doesn’t suit.
  • Would like to improve your physical appearance.

When a dental implant is the best option:

If you these given reasons then dental implant surgery would be a great option for you instead of bridge or denture.

  • When jawbone is fully grown.
  • You have healthy oral tissue or gum
  • When you have a healthy jawbone
  • To improve your speech

Risk of dental implant surgery:

During the dental implant, some risk may appear, although these risks are rare. After surgery, these risks are found in a patient in minority.

  • Injury in the blood vessel during surgery
  • Nerve damage
  • Sinus problem may appear in a patient after surgery
  • Pain in gum and jawbone

Although risks are here in surgery yet this treatment is one of the best alternatives for damaged teeth replacement. So you want to get dental implant surgery then contact experts dentists. If you are looking for a dental implant center in Ajmer then there are some best options are available. You can find best and comfortable dental implant surgery under affordable rates. If you are in tension that you will have to pay high to get this surgery then there is nothing like that.

Hope this blog would be beneficial for you and you will get important information about dental implant surgery. After surgery, you must be careful to maintain oral hygiene by which you can recover soon. So don’t stop yourself to smile now when a dental implant is available for all age group people.

Importance of regular dental check-up!

Good health is the key to success because you can achieve anything if your health supports you. Well, to have good health you must care about your diet and dental health. Most of the time people avoid dental health because they use to think dental health is not important. Well, this is not true, having good dental health and maintenance of oral hygiene is necessary too. You must visit dental hospital once in a year to have healthy and good oral hygiene. Most of the time dental health issues appear in children, therefore, you should not ignore the dental health of your kid. Now let’s see what does regular dental check-up meant for and how it is effective.

Why you should go for a regular dental check-up?

Actually, the structure of teeth is a little bit complicated and by having regular brush cannot clean up the teeth properly, especially in children and those who have crooked teeth. In this case, the dentist cleans the dental plaque, tartar accumulated on the teeth surface. So in order to clean up teeth to have good oral hygiene regular dental check-up is necessary. Apart from that when the patient visits for a dental check-up they go through these given steps.

  • Dental check-up
  • Examine of the cavity by X-rays
  • Examination of teeth, gum, head, face, throat, and neck to detect early sign of cancer.

Whether it is your child or any other family member or even you, don’t forget to visit for a dental check-up once in a year. Regular check-up and cleaning of your teeth & gums will improve your dental health. There are some benefits of visiting dentists on regular basis.

  • You don’t need to worry about dental health.
  • Regular check-up minimizes the risk of any severe problem.
  • You can avoid dental pain, swelling or another gum disease on early stage.
  • If children have any dental issue, it can be treated as soon as possible.
  • While dental check-up and cleaning dentist remove the dental plaque & tartar. After that polish the teeth that enhance the beauty of your teeth.

Things to do meanwhile dental check-up:

Between the gaps of visiting dental check-up, you must do a few things to maintain good oral health. Things tips will help you to prevent any kind of dental pain or cavity. You can follow these tips for children too old age person.

  • Take care of your eating habit. Always try to eat healthily and avoid sweet dishes, eating candies or taking soft drinks.
  • Brush twice in a day, once in the morning and second in a night.
  • Clean up your teeth after eating.
  • Floss on daily basis.
  • Use toothpaste which contains fluoride.
  • Use mouthwashes or mouth rinse to avoid bacterial growth in teeth.
  • To avoid bad breath or smell, you should use mouth fresheners.
  • Completely avoid taking coffee, wine or smoking.

If you will follow above given tips on a regular basis, then you will never have to face dental issues. Mainly dental issues have found on children, so for dental treatment for your child, you must look for an experienced and trained dentist. You can search for the best dentist in your city and then book your appointment. Regular dental check-up and care will prevent dental pain and other issues like dental carries in your kid. That’s why it would be a good choice to visit the dentist once a year rather than visit when your kid felt pain. Prevention is always better than cure, so keep it in mind and don’t avoid regular dental check-up.


Upbringings of kids are one of the most difficult things that every parent will have to do. Have you ever think that you must be careful about the infectious disease for your children or you must prevent it? If you think then tooth decay would be one of them. Well, prevention of dental decay is not that much difficult as you think, if you will follow some simple tips given in this blog. This blog has some easy and simplest ideas to prevent dental decay in kids or children. Despite all, if your kid is already having dental decay then you must visit a dentist or dental implant center for treatment of decay. Under the guidance of an expert dentist, your kid will be treated and will recover soon from dental decay. Moreover, this is time to have look at how to prevent dental decay in children.

Tips to prevent dental decay in children:-

Visit for a regular dental check-up: Routine dental check-up and cleaning of teeth will minimize the risk of a dental cavity. During a routine check-up, the dentist will examine the teeth, gum and other parts, and then clean it.

Limited sugar intake: The most important thing is taking sugar or sweet dishes, candies in a limited amount. Excessive intake of sugar leads to the dental cavity.

Ask them to brush twice a day: You must keep them in habit of brushing their teeth twice a day. Fix their routine to brush up their teeth twice on regular basis. It may be difficult in starting but after sometime kids will automatically follow the routine of brushing their teeth.

Clean teeth after eating: Teach your children to clean teeth after eating sweet or too sour food that will help to prevent bacteria. After eating junk foods, candies if your child doesn’t clean his/her mouth then there may be a chance of dental decay, so tell them to clean teeth after eating.

Always use toothpaste that contains fluoride: For brushing teeth choose fluoride-containing toothpaste. Especially for your kid, you can choose medicated toothpaste which is available in the market.

Tell your kids to drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water will prevent bacterial growth in the mouth that minimizes the plaque or tartar accumulation.

Reasons for tooth decay:

There are some certain reasons that lead to dental cavity or decay in children. You can see what the causes of dental decay are.

Excessive intake of sugar: Excessive intake of sugar may lead to dental decay because it induces to bacterial growth.

Poor oral hygiene: Poor oral hygiene is the main cause of dental decay.

Lack of tooth brushing: When a kid does not use to brush up on regular basis, then lack of fluoride exposure will lead to dental cavity or decay.

Well, above given all reason you can avoid in order to keep your child healthy and pain-free from due to dental decay. Hope all these tips to prevent dental decay will help you and your kid, but yet your kid have dental decay then without delay you must visit an experienced dentist in Ajmer. In Ajmer, you will meet experienced and highly qualified dentists who are dedicated to treating patients.

So, don’t need to worry about dental decay anymore and bear dental pain. Contact to the expert dentist for treatment, book your appointment and get treated. Yes, this is the desire of every parent to see their child happy and smiling always. Hope this blog would be helpful for all parents who are looking for tips to avoid dental cavity.