
What is Pyorrhea

What is Pyorrhea – Symptoms, Treatment, Cause & Cure

What is Pyorrhea – Symptoms, Treatment, Cause & Cure

There are many dental problems faced by people, among such dental health issues “Pyorrhea” is the most common one. If the Pyorrhea is in the primary stage and gets proper treatment then it can cure very soon. But some time server condition of Pyorrhea may lead to loss of teeth. Now come to the point, what is the reason that this disease appears in the tooth. And the reason is poor oral hygiene, because of that, the bacteria stick on the layer of tooth and gums. Then bacteria start deteriorating the teeth and patient feels pain, bleeding gums and losing teeth.

Now just have a look on the sign & symptoms of Pyorrhea, its treatment, cause & cure. Hope this blog will guide readers about Pyorrhea and how they can prevent this dental problem.

Symptoms: There are some symptoms are described here which often appear in the condition of Pyorrhea. In case you have any symptoms then you must contact the dentist for treatment.

  • Bad breath
  • Painful teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Dusky or bright red gums
  • Pain while chewing
  • New space developed between teeth
  • Swollen gums

Treatment: For the treatment of dental health issue “Pyorrhea” patients must visit any reliable dental clinic where an experienced dentist can treat it. The condition of Pyorrhea and its severity may take prolong treatment or can be treated within a short time duration. If you or your any family member is suffering from a dental problem like Pyorrhea then you must search the best dentist for the treatment.

Causes: See what the causes that lead to Pyorrhea disease are given below.

Plaque formation on teeth: Due to poor oral hygiene and now brushing teeth can cause of accumulation of plaque. This is a layer of bioform that formed due to acids.

Plaque turns into tartar: When plaque doesn’t remove for a long time, then it starts to turn into tartar. The Tartar is difficult to remove and filled by bacteria. It deteriorates teeth and patient start losing teeth.

Tartar can cause gingivitis: Due to the accumulation of Tartar for a long time, the gum starts to pain and bleeding. The swell gums and irritation turn into a severe dental problem.

Cure: If we talk about the cure of Pyorrhea disease then you must keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. So everyone should try to prevent dental health issues. Well, just have a look at the cure of this dental trouble.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene: Yes! This is the first and foremost method to cure Pyorrhea disease. Always brush twice in a day. Use mouthwashes or mouth rinses to clean your teeth. Remove food particles after eating and drink plenty of water.
  • Go for a regular dental check-up: Regular dental check-up reduces the risk of Pyorrhea. And when the patient is suffering from Pyorrhea then routine checkup become compulsory. Visit your nearest and experienced dentists for a dental checkup. Book your appointment on a regular basis unless Pyorrhea gets treated.

Well, this blog has all information about Pyorrhea, its symptoms, treatment, causes, and cure. Whether it’s dental patient or any normal person this blog will guide them to prevent dental issues. In case you have any confusion or have any query then you can directly meet any dentist and ask them about your problem and queries. Hope you will understand how you can prevent dental health issues and maintain good oral hygiene. Good oral health is directly connected with other health. So always try to brush up your teeth twice in a day, clean teeth after eating and smile beautifully.


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